LUMARE Energi intends to bring lights from the sea. Using the renewable concept of Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC), we are building a base load power plant that runs day and night continuously without emission, generating clean energy and drinking water from the ocean for a sustainable planet.
LUMARE is the winner
of Ocean Changemaker Challenge 2022,
awarded by World Ocean Initiatives
of Economist Impact
How We Are Different
Our solution is 100% zero-emission, no fuel needed.
24/7 Base Load
Unlike most renewable solution, ours runs 24 hours a day. There is no need for a battery or any other energy storage solution.
High-Mineral Drinking Water
Our technology utilises Deep Sea Water (DSW), which is cold, clean and rich in minerals. The DSW is a unique commodity that can be used in many applications, including the generation of clean high-mineral drinking water.
Small Footprint
Our solution has a modest land requirement, resulting in small footprints. There is no need for huge land access or deforestation.
Features & Benefits
LUMARE generates clean energy with zero emissions that is 100% renewable.
Our technology runs 24/7 day and night, all year long. There is no need for a battery or any other energy storage solution.
Our plant has high reliability, high availability and low OPEX.
With our technology, we produce mineral-rich drinking water from Deep Sea Water (DSW).
To build our plant, we only need modest land requirements.
Deep Sea Water (DSW) can be used further to create additional revenue streams.
The design, fabrication and operation of our plant are similar to oil & gas facilities.